Superfood for Winter: Green Peas

Superfood for Winter: Green Peas

By Sayantani Mohinta  on: 14 January 2021
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Green peas are a popular vegetable during winter season. They are quite nutritious and contain a fair amount of fibre and antioxidants. Plus, they're a good source of vegetable protein. These nutrients make Green peas a super food for winter. Some benefits are listed below:

  • Peas can do wonders for your digestion by adding bulk and improving constipation issues.
  • Peas are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and iron which helps in building immunity. They are known for their benefits to eyes, skin and hair.
  • Anti-inflammatory nutrients in peas have been associated with lowering the risk of inflammatory conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.
  • 100g of green peas contain 7g of protein, which makes it a good source of protein for vegetarians.

So, feel free to include them in your salads, snacks, stews and curries in daily diet. 


Eat healthy and stay healthy.


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Sayantani Mohinta

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Dietitian in Chembur, Mumbai, India 

Leading Dietitian Sayantani Mohinta founder of The Diet Hub, Chembur. She is one of the best Dieticians & Nutritionist in Chembur. Dietician Sayantani has more than 14 years of experience in the field of diet & nutrition.In this Techno-Savvy world, where everything going online, why not the diet? My online diet clinic Dietician Sayantani's The Diet Hub helps my clients to get their diet charts, information about nutrition and more anytime and anywhere. Looking after your health today gives you a better health for tommorow!  Looking for weight loss diet a Dietician in Chembur, Mumbai ? Interested in excellent weight loss thru online customised consultation ? Then contact us. You can view our reviews and experience of our clients who have successfully reduced weight through healthy weight loss diet charts.  I believe in NO Fad / Crash Diets, NO Starvations only healthy eating. Nutritionist Sayantani's services are simple and easily implemented to your lifestyle with less effort. 
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